You and Me, Kid: A Memoir — Paperback


A father of a son with Down syndrome shares the daily struggles that can’t outshine the joy. Book in production.

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Eugene Havens explores the blessings, joys, and benefits of parenting a child with special needs. For Eugene, parenting his son Percy is an honor. Not because it’s easy. Not because it makes him look like a super-parent. Not for any outward reason. Only for this. Parenting his son is what he was made to do.

From the back cover

Love. Loyalty. Togetherness.

Destiny is found in a person.

“My son was born with Down syndrome. I had no idea what to expect. The doctors told us there was a hole in Percy’s heart. He couldn’t gain weight. Overwhelmed and unqualified, I became his 24/7 caregiver. The first two years were a struggle. With love and care, Percy began to thrive. And yet, the challenges kept coming. We would go through health scares, developmental delays, and education issues. Why are we so happy? Because we have our son, Percy. We get to keep him. We get to watch him grow.” —Eugene Havens

About the author

Eugene Havens worked as a media writer in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco for over twenty years. He holds a master’s degree in fiction writing and is the author of Marble on a Table: A Novel. He lives in southern Oregon with his wife and four children.



The Writing Thing Press

The Writing Thing Press is an independent literary press that writes and publishes fiction, nonfiction, and memoir in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats. We believe reading, in its highest form, is a process of discovery. We seek not only to meet current expectations but to create new ones for readers.


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